Rebel Bound

Rebel Bound

$20.00eBook: $4.99Audiobook: $19.95
Series: Rebel Bound, Book 1
Genres: Dystopian, Science Fiction
Publisher: Vivienza
Publication Year: 2017
Format: all
Length: novel
Narrator: Courtney Parker
ISBN: 9781940855134

It's been 11 years since a nuclear disaster drove much of the population underground, leaving Caelin and her younger sister Mardy topside. When a handsome stranger named Jate saves Caelin’s life, he brings the sisters to rebel turf where plans are being hatched to conquer the Undercity. The rebels preach good life for the masses, and it seems Caelin and Mardy have found a safe haven at last.

But as Caelin is drawn deeper into the rebel's inner circle, Jate seems more determined to push her away. When Caelin discovers the harsh price of loyalty, the rebel's dream becomes a nightmare that sends Mardy on a dangerous mission to the Undercity. Caelin must determine who to trust before Mardy and the entire population of the Undercity are wiped out.

Finalist in the 2017 Wishing Shelf and DaVinci Eye Awards, IndieBrag Honoree, and winner of the 2018 LUW Diamond Quill Best Book of the Year!

About the Book

Praise for Rebel Bound

“This is up there with The Hunger Games. I read it in three days. I simply could not put it down.” –13 year old boy

“The relationship between the two sisters was really good. It made the story personal at a deeper level than many dystopian novels for YA.” –16 year old girl

“The author has a talent for world building and delivering well developed characters.” –Karen Reese, reviewer

“The characters were solid, unique, and their story was rife with danger and uncertainty. I loved every minute of it.” –Author Unpublished

“Rebel Bound is full of suspense and adventure. The story-line is well written; it has a lot of plot twists which makes for a fun read, especially for young adults.” –The Book Nook Blog

“Powerful storytelling! YA will love it. A FINALIST and highly recommended.”
"We are proud to announce that REBEL BOUND by Shauna E. Black is a B.R.A.G.Medallion Honoree. This tells readers that this book is well worth their time and money!"
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