Keep the Magic

Some friends of mine put together a video featuring their children, with the youngest musing on being little. It was a heart-warming piece with some profound ideas. One that really struck me was the idea that as we grow up, and cross to the other side of the “river”...

FF-Ghostly SOS

Gak! I missed Flash Friday last week. For shame! My only excuse is that I was boating on the lake with my family the day before, and the sun fried my brain. For that matter, I think my brain has gotten regularly fried all summer. To. A. Crisp. So, I will pick through...

Christmas Thoughts in June

Summer arrived this week with a vengeance in my little corner of the world. I’m not a big fan of hot weather. I have a tendency to droop in the heat. (Don’t ask why I live in the desert.) At this time of year, snow starts to sound pretty nice. Which brings me to...

FF – Dragon Keep

It’s Flash Friday! Today’s prompt is: I survived the dragon attack by hiding in a keep. Dragon Keep They came again. Just like the alpha said they would. Dragons, falling like rain from the sky. And the people, running and screaming and being...

Harmonizing with Mr. Keck

I have a goal to dedicate each of the books in my Soul in Ashes series to a teacher that made a difference in my life. Book 3, Sanctuary Defiled, is dedicated to Mr. Keck “for teaching me about harmony.” My mild-mannered alter ego is a mezzo soprano singer. I was...