Assistive Technology
Dragon Anywhere and Speechmatics
A speech-to-text application, such as Dragon Anywhere (Nuance, n.d.) or Speechmatics (Speechmatics, n.d.), would be useful for students who are unable to type or write due to a disability. When writing a paper is required for English Language Arts, these students could verbally dictate to the software application, and their words would be converted into text. With these software applications, students can also utilize verbal commands to edit their writing, making little distinction between their work and the work of their peers.
A smartpen like Livescribe (Livescribe, n.d.) can be used by students with dyslexia to record lectures and play them back so that students can take the time they need to understand what the teacher said. Dyslexic students can also use Livescribe (Livescribe, n.d.) to capture the notes they write and transfer them directly to the computer. Knowing that the pen is recording everything for them so that they won’t miss words they might not understand frees the student to be able to concentrate more fully during lectures and while writing, helping them cope better with their disability. Later, they can examine the recordings and written notes the pen stored for them, even searching for particular words, so they can be more successful in their study habits and in understanding the material.
A3. A Sample Learning Activity
How to apply technology to support students in meeting a learning objective.
A4b. Assistive Technology
Using technology to support students with disabilities to be successful in the classroom.

Nuance. (n.d.). Dragon anywhere.
Speechmatics. (n.d.). Understanding every voice.
Livescribe. (n.d.). Livescribe. Livescribe, Inc. Retrieved from